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Комментарий к фрагменту
Комментарий к фрагменту
Английский язык
14 из 14
Автор : Марина
21:05, 24 марта 2023

 Imagine that you are doing a project on how teenagers in zetland stay healthy. You have found some data on the subject (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project. Not eating fast food 42%, having a balanced diet-24%.Doing sports-22%.getting to bed early-10%. doing morning exercises-2%.

Outline a problem that can arise with some approaches to staying healthy...conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of staying healthy.

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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important, it improves the quality of life. As part of my project, I have found a table with the results of some opinion polls showing how people in Zetland stay healthy. I am going to analyse the data and express my opinion.

According to the table the most popular way to stay healthy is to do not eat fast food(42%). The second most popular way of maintaining healthy lifestyle is to have a balanced diet (24%). It is also noticeable that only 10% of the respondents get to bed early to stay healthy.

The table analysis reveals that t

  • 3 из 3К1Решение коммуникативной задачи (РКЗ)
  • 3 из 3К2Организация текста
  • 3 из 3К3Лексика
  • 3 из 3К4Грамматика
  • 2 из 2К5Орфография и пунктуация
  • ИТОГО: 14 из 14
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